Deleting Codes and Codesets

You can logically delete and restore the codes, and also permanently delete the codesets.

To delete codesets, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Application Menu > Data Catalog > Codeset Manager.
  2. In the Codesets Workspace pane, expand a category.
  3. Expand a Codesets node and click a codeset.
  4. The Code Value Grid appears

  5. Select Delete Indicator check box for relevant Codeset Name from the Codeset Value Grid.
  6. A warning message appears.

  7. Click Yes.
  8. The code is logically deleted and can be restored or purged.

To restore or purge logically deleted codes, follow these steps:

  1. Click .
    The Logically Deleted Codes page appears.
  2. Select required rows.
  3. Click , to delete the selected rows.
  4. Click , to restore the selected rows.

To permanently delete codesets, follow these steps:

  1. Right-click a codeset.
  2. To delete a codeset, ensure the codeset is in edit mode. Click to cancel edit mode.

  3. Click Delete Codesets.
  4. A warning message appears.

  5. Click Yes.
  6. The codeset is deleted.